中技国际招标公司受买方委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标。于2009年09月14日在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用非电子招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
2、招标文件售价:¥6000.00 / $900.00
3、购买招标文件时间:从2009-09-14 14:00 至2009-10-09 10:00(节假日以及每日午休时间除外)
5、投标截止时间和开标时间:2009-10-09 10:00
地 址:中国北京市丰台区西三环中路90号通用技术大厦
电子邮箱:zhouyan@itc.genertec.com.cn lushanhong@itc.genertec.com.cn
电话: 010-63348550 63348640
联系人:周焱 陆善泓
帐 号(人民币):00271508091001
帐 号(美 元):00271508091001
The International Competitive Bidding Project of the Optimization of Mainframe Resources in the Data Center of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for Year 2009 (Mainframe Equipment)
Date: 2009-09-14
Bid No.: 0701-094010170101
China International Tendering Company entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding and traditional bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com
1.Name of Products/Equipment, Quantity, and Main Technical Data:
1, the newly purchased equipment:
(1) The available capacity of 80TB main frame disk 1 set.
2, upgrade expansion and adjustment of equipment:
(1) Expansion of the existing 4 sets personal production z9 mainframe.
(2) Upgrading of the existing 2 sets personal z990 coupler.
(3) Expansion of the existing 4 sets test environment z9 mainframe.
Main technical parameters detailed in Bidding documents.
2.Price of Bidding Documents: ¥6000.00 / $900.00
3.Time of Selling Bidding Documents: from 2009-09-14 14:00 to 2009-10-09 10:00(except holidays and lunch break)
4.Place of Selling Bidding Documents: The Southeast Corner of 1st Floor Hall, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan ZhongLu,Fengtai District, Beijng, 100055, P.R.China.(extra RMB50.00 will be required in case of domestic express mail, USD50.00 in case of overseas express mail.)
5.The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 2009-10-09 10:00
6.The evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com
7.Place of Bid Opening: Room303 Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan ZhongLu, Fengtai District, Beijng, 100055, P.R.China
Addr: Genertec Plaza,NO.90,Xisanhuan Zhonglu,Fengtai District,Beijing
Zip code: 100055
E-mail: zhouyan@itc.genertec.com.cn lushanhong@itc.genertec.com.cn
Tel: 010-63348550 63348640
Fax: 010-63373567
Contact: Ms. Zhou Yan, Mr. Lu Shanhong
Bank(RMB): Bank of China Head Office
Bank(USD): Bank of China Head Office
Account No. (RMB): 00271508091001
Account No. (USD): 00271508091001. on Sep.14,2009