项目名称:中国印钞造币总公司/成都印钞公司-高速切削加工中心项目 日期:2009年06月25日招标编号:0701-094020120055 中技国际招标公司受买方委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标。于2009年06月25日在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用非电子招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 1、招标产品的名称、数量及主要技术参数: 01高速切削加工中心(数控雕刻机)1台 ★6.3快移速度:X≥30m/min,Y≥30 m/min,Z≥30 m/min 02高速切削加工中心(数控雕刻机)2台 ★6.3快移速度:X≥30m/min,Y≥30 m/min,Z≥30 m/min 2、招标文件售价:3000.00 3、购买招标文件时间:2009-06-26 10:00至2009-07-21 10:00(节假日以及每日午休时间除外) 4、购买招标文件地点:北京市西三环中路90号通用技术大厦506A标书室 5、投标截止时间和开标时间:2009-07-21 10:00 6、中标情况将在中国国际招标网公示。 7、开标地点:北京市西三环中路90号通用技术大厦三层会议室 地 址:北京市丰台区西三环中路90号 通用技术大厦9层邮编:100055 电子邮箱:shibo@itc.genertec.com.cn 电话: 010-63348527、63348529 传真:010-63373571 联系人:时波、王平开户银行(人民币):中国银行总行营业部开户银行(美元):中国银行总行营业部帐 号(人民币):00271508091001 帐 号(美 元):00271508094014 China Banknote Printing & Minting Corporation/Chengdu Banknote Printing Complex-High-Speed Machining System Project Date: 2009-06-25 Bid No.: 0701-094020120055 China International Tendering Company entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding and traditional bidding. The tender notice was released on 1.Name of Products/Equipment, Quantity, and Main Technical Data: 01High-Speed Machining System(CNC Engraving Machine) ★6.3Rapid traverse: X≥30 m/min,Y≥30 m/min,Z≥30 m/min 02High-Speed Machining System(CNC Engraving Machine) ★6.3Rapid traverse:X≥30 m/min,Y≥30 m/min,Z≥30 m/min 2.Price of Bidding Documents: 450.00 3.Time of Selling Bidding Documents: 2009-06-26 10:00 to 2009-07-21 10:00(except holidays and lunch break) 4.Place of Selling Bidding Documents: Room 506A, Genertec Plaza, N0. 90, Xisanhuan Zhong Lu, Fengtai District,Beijing, China 5.The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 2009-07-21 10:00 6.The evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com. 7.Place of Bid Opening: Third floor Meeting Room, Genertec Plaza, No. 90, Xisanhuan Zhong Lu, Beijing, China Addr: F/9,Genertec Plaza,NO.90,Xisanhuan Zhonglu,Fengtai District,Beijing Zip code: 100055 E-mail: shibo@itc.genertec.com.cn Tel: 010-63348527、63348529 Fax: 010-63373571 Contact: Shi Bo,Wang Ping Bank(RMB): Bank of China Bank(USD): Bank of China Account No. (RMB): 00271508091001 Account No. (USD): 00271508094014