1. 中技国际招标公司(招标机构)受中铁快运股份有限公司(招标人)委托以国际竞争招标方式采购15台X射线货物称重安检一体机设备。
2. 我们邀请符合下述资格条件的投标人参加投标:
2) 投标人不得直接或间接地与招标人为采购本次招标的货物进行设计、编制规范和其他文件所委托的咨询公司或其附属机构有任何关联。
3) 在法律上和财务上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构的供货人可参加投标。
3. 欢迎符合上述资格条件的投标人自2010年4月14日起北京时间上午9时至11时,下午2时至4时(节假日除外)到中技国际招标公司购买招标文件。 每套招标文件价格为3,000元人民币。招标文件一经售出,概不退款。
4. 投标保证金金额为3万美元或20万元人民币,投标人须以银行保函形式递交。
5. 投标人应于2010年5月6日上午10时(北京时间)前将投标文件及投标保证金交到中技国际招标公司(地址:北京市丰台区西三环中路90号通用技术大厦)。
6. 招标人和招标机构不接受迟到的投标。
7. 开标仪式于2010年5月6日上午10时(北京时间)在北京市丰台区西三环中路90号通用技术大厦举行。
电话:010-63348637、63348521 传真:010-63373592
电子邮箱: dengshu@itc.genertec.com.cn
Invitation for Bid No.: 0701-104070030001
1. China International Tendering Company (Tendering Agent) is authorized by China Railway Express Co., Ltd. (Tenderee) to purchase fifteen (15) sets of X-Ray Cargo Weighting & Security Inspection Integrated Equipment by way of International Competitive Bidding (ICB).
2. We invite the Bidders who meet the following qualifications to submit the sealed bids for the supply of the above equipment:
1) This Invitation for Bid is open to all suppliers from within the People’s Republic of China and all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with the People’s Republic of China.
2) Bidders should not be associated, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the Tenderee to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used of the goods to be purchased under this Invitation for Bids.
3) The suppliers may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tenderee and the Tendering Agent.
4)The Bidder’s experience required as follows:
(1)The Bidder shall have Certificate of Conformity of Quality Management System Certification of ISO9001 and Environmental Management System Certification of ISO140001.
(2)The Bidder shall have the License for Radiation Safety issued by the department of the People’s Republic of China in charge, which permits manufacture or sales of X-ray devices in China.
(3)The Bidder shall have the experience in design and manufacture of the equipment which has operated stably and properly on railway system in the recent 3 years.
(4)The Bidder shall own after service center at each job site for providing spare parts and maintenance in time for the stably operation of equipment.
3. Eligible Bidders are welcomed to contact China International Tendering Company for obtaining the Bidding Documents between 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (Beijing Time) from April 14, 2010 (excluding public holidays) upon non-refundable payment of RMB Yuan 3,000.00/set.
4. The Bidders shall submit the bid security in amount of USD30, 000.00 or RMB200,000.00 by a bank guarantee.
5. Bidders shall submit their bids and bid security to China International Tendering Company at Genertec Plaza, No. 90, Xisuanhuan, Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R.China before 10:00 a.m. (Beijing Time) on May 6, 2010.
6. Late bids will be rejected by the Tenderee and Tendering Agent.
7. Bid Opening will be hold at 10:00 a.m. on May 6, 2010 at Genertec Plaza, No. 90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R.China.
China International Tendering Company
Genertec Plaza No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Post Code: 100055
Tel: 010-63348637, 63348521 Fax: 010-63373592
E-mail: dengshu@itc.genertec.com.cn